Live In Rooms You Love! - 10 Minute Declutters for Busy Women

Chaos to Calm Kitchen - DIY Decluttering & Organising Guide

Kitchen counter top with bread bin

Clear Your Kitchen Clutter & Get Organised, Forever, Now!

Save time, money, your sanity and waste

No more cramped countertops and overflowing cabinets - create more space in your kitchen, giving yourself room to work, without feeling crowded and restricted. Make meal prep a joy rather than a struggle.

Stop wasting food and money - no more wondering what's hiding at the back of your cupboards! When it's easy to see at a glance what you have, you’ll avoid the frustration of forgotten perishables and expired items . Meal planning becomes so much easier when you can spot the ingredients you need and shop with confidence. Avoid buying duplicates and save money.

Make it easy for your family to lend a helping hand in the kitchen -  with a logical place for everything, it's easy for everyone to locate ingredients and utensils. Enjoy more quality time together as you work efficiently (and without arguments,) in your well-organised space.

Make tidying and cleaning your kitchen easy - ensuring that every item has its own designated storage place, makes it easy for things to be put away after use and surfaces kept clear and clean.

Feel proud of the calm and stylish space you’ve created -  transform your kitchen into a welcoming place where impromptu gatherings are encouraged. Move from feeling embarrassed and making excuses about clutter, to proudly showing off your beautifully organised kitchen to friends and family.

Simplify (and save money on) your move or kitchen remodel - declutter the items you don’t use, so that you only be storing the things that are important to you. Eliminate guesswork when it comes to making decisions on where things will be kept (and paying for new storage) when moving to a new home, or redesigning your kitchen.

Chaos to Calm Kitchen DIY Guide offers you:

Project Preparation and Mindset (Vision) Worksheets - go from feeling overwhelmed or unsure where to start, to feeling prepared and motivated to reclaim your kitchen. You'll create a space that reflects your vision of a calm, functional, and inviting place to spend time and share meals.

Workbooks, Audio, and Video - catering to different learning styles, and ensuring that you have all the tools you need to succeed. Step-by-step instructions make the tried and tested Decluttering and Organising process easy to follow and understand. No more confusion or frustration – just clear guidance every step of the way and ongoing support via two way online dialogue. Be prepared to permanently change the way you think about your "stuff"!

(Optional) Live Zoom Sessions - personalised guidance tailored to your unique kitchen (including specific storage and organising advice). Keeping you motivated and making sure you stay on track towards your goal. No more feeling alone or unsure, with support in creating a space that's perfectly tailored to your family’s needs.

Lifelong Access - once purchased, revisit this guide anytime you need a refresher (or if you move to a new kitchen in the future). You can always refer back for inspiration, guidance, and support, ensuring that your kitchen remains clutter-free and organised for years to come. No need to worry about forgetting techniques, this guide will always be there for you (time and pace to suit you).

"Really love the Guide! Excellent information and easy to follow.
Loved the audio, it did sound like you were here!." - Michelle, High Wycombe

"Jo has such an eye for detail, is generous with feedback and creative with ideas.                                          To be honest it didn't feel like DIY!"  - Suzanne, Seaford

Next Steps:

1. Click on Buy Kitchen DIY Guide

2. Start your Kitchen Decluttering and Organising project TODAY!

4 Modules

Getting Ready For Change

What to expect from this guide & How It works

Getting in the right frame of mind for your project

What you need to have ready before you start

Decluttering Food Items

This module contains everything you need to Declutter the food items from your kitchen.

Decluttering Non Food Items

This module contains everything you need to Declutter the non food items from your kitchen.

Organising Your Kitchen & Keeping It That Way

Organising your kitchen for the optimum use of the space that you have.

Maintaining your organised kitchen for the future.

Modules for this product 4
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 Chaos to Calm Kitchen DIY Guide (with two 30 minute online 1:1 sessions)
 £ 80.00 GBP
 Chaos to Calm Kitchen DIY Guide (resources only)
 £ 40.00 GBP
 Chaos to Calm Kitchen Online Sessions (2X 30 minutes)
 £ 45.00 GBP
 Chaos to Calm Kitchen DIY Guide (with two 30 minute online 1:1 sessions)
 £ 42.00 GBP  ( then £42.00 GBP for 1 months )
 Chaos to Calm Kitchen DIY Guide (resources only)
 £ 22.00 GBP  ( then £22.00 GBP for 1 months )

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  • Once booked, online sessions may be re scheduled once. subsequent rescheduling will incur a £10 admin fee.
  • Less More can not guarantee the availability of an online session on the day you choose for your Decluttering & Organising project.
  • Access to the DIY Kitchen Guide is granted for as long as the product is hosted on the Member Vault site.
  • Less is More reserves the right to vary the price advertised for the DIY Kitchen Guide according to current promotions.
  • The material contained within this DIY Kitchen Guide is intended for the sole use of the person who purchases it. It may not be shared with a third party, nor replicated in any form. This service is not transferrable.
  • 1:1 sessions must be completed within one calendar year of date of purchase.

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