Live In Rooms You Love! - 10 Minute Declutters for Busy Women

Transformation to Tidy, Together - 8 weeks to clutter free calm (October24)

If you want to... 

  • Take back control of the living space throughout your house
  • Feel motivated to make permanent change
  • Be inspired by fresh ideas for storage and styling
  • Build new habits to maintain your tidy space
  • Chance your mindset around buying and keeping stuff
  • Support others and be supported by being part of a group
  • Have some fun doing what many women consider a mundane chore

Come and join us!

Transformation to Tidy, Together - is a 8 week decluttering, organising and home styling course starting Thursday 10th October at 8pm GMT (UK time). There will be at least two Thursday evenings without a session (dates to be advised), to allow participants who need time to catch up, to do so.

Here's What the Course Includes:

  • 6X 1-1.5hr group Zoom sessions, each one focussing on a mindset topic and a different room in your house
  • Step by step guides for decision making and decluttering
  • Links to new ideas for organising and storage
  • Access to a Private Facebook Group for 8 weeks - for ideas sharing, support, accountability and celebrating change

All for £145 ($190 - will vary slightly according to daily exchange rate)

Here's what else you get:

  • Preparation worksheets
  • Action planning templates

What previous participants have said:

"This is a great course for anyone feeling, as I was, overwhelmed by the amount of stuff in their house. There were practical tips, psychological insights, bags of encouragement and good ideas for finding new homes for unwanted items. Hopefully I'm now well on my way to having a different attitude to my possessions and a much tidier home. Jo was very knowledgeable and understanding and made the Zoom sessions fun and interesting. An unexpected bonus was getting to know my fellow attendees - a group of really lovely, encouraging, non-judgemental folk. 10/10"

- Helen Fryers, Sheffield

"I’ve just finished Jo’s course - and absolutely loved it. Having a group of people that are in the same boat and taking this journey together has been wonderful and eye opening and super encouraging. I’ve had several lightbulb moments during the course and it’s set me on the path for a clutter free home. I can highly recommend the course. It is SOOO helpful!

- Heike West, Maidenhead

"This morning I opened all the cupboards and fridge just to admire my work. It's so nice to feel like I've achieved something and am moving in the right direction rather than feeling disheartened, annoyed with myself and overwhelmed by all the mess (which is how I've been feeling for years!)"

-Tracy Gilbey, Cox Green

A Reward for All Your Hard Work -

At the end of the course you'll receive Clutter Free Living  - a paperback guide (worth £9.99) designed to help you maintain your clutter free, organised home, long after the course has finished.

Please note that if you're joining the course from outside the UK, receipt of your Clutter Free Living Guide, will incur an additional postage charge.

💥 Bonus for Early Bird 🐦 Sign Ups ONLY - 2 months FREE membership to my Private Clutter Free Living Community at the end of the course (worth £28)

Step 1 Click Reserve My Space to book at just £145 (or two payments of £74), one this month, one the following month)
Step 2 Once you've made your payment, you'll receive a confirmation email 
Step 3 Shortly before the course is due to begin, you'll receive a link inviting you to join the private Facebook Group and access your pre work

Let's Do This Together - I can't wait to see your AFTER photos!

Please Note - To join this course, please make sure that:

You are comfortable accessing and using Zoom (or have someone who can help you do this), prior to the first online session.
You are able to access a Facebook account, in order to join the Private Facebook Group for our course.

You are ready committed to put in the effort required to make last change in your home 🙌

Transformation to Tidy - Private 1:1 Course

IF you would love to go through the full house declutter and organise experience (plus change your mindset for a clutter free, more organised future)

BUT you are not able to commit to the time of the regular weekly zoom, or you would simply prefer to work on your home on a 1:1 basis with a start and end date to suit you.

Transformation to Tidy 1:1 is now an option! Please click HERE for details

11 Modules


Before starting any project getting into the right mindset and preparing well is key to success.


A reminder of the Mindset topic covered in the Week 1 Zoom session and a little bit of pre work.


Everything you need to prepare for and carry out the Decluttering part of your project. 


Key principles to keep in mind when Organising any room.


Worksheets, recording of Week1 Live Zoom Session and Homework Task

Everything you need for your successful Entrance Hall transformation.

WEEK 2 - KITCHEN (kitchen specific step by step guided process)

Worksheets, Week 2 Zoom Recording, Homework Task

Everything you need for your successful KITCHEN transformation.


Worksheets, Week 3 Zoom Recording, Homework Task

Everything you need for your successful BATHROOM transformation.


Worksheets, Week 5 Zoom Recording, Homework Task

Everything you need for your successful Living Room, Utility or Garage transformation.


Worksheets, Week 6 Zoom Recording, Homework Task

Everything you need for your successful Home Office/Workspace transformation.

Modules for this resource 11
Reserve My Space

Already have access to this resource?    Sign In Here

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Payment Options

 Transformation to Tidy, Together
 £ 145.00 GBP
 Transformation to Tidy, Together
 £ 74.00 GBP  ( then £74.00 GBP for 1 months )

How do you want to pay?

Credit/Debit Card
No payment method needed.

I agree to the Terms of Service and Privacy Policy

Terms of Service

Payment Policy

  • Less is More reserves the right to vary the price advertised according to current promotions.
  • The material contained within this course is intended for the sole use of the person who purchases it. It may not be shared with a third party, nor replicated in any form. It is only available in read only format via MemberVault.
  • Once booked, any 1:1 online sessions may be re scheduled once. Subsequent rescheduling will incur a £10 admin fee.

Refund Policy

Once acceptance on to this course has been granted, payment is non refundable.


This online decluttering and organising course is intended as guidance, relying on physical implementation by the purchaser. As a result Less Is More can not be held solely responsible for the outcome of your project.


Less Is More is based in the UK and operates solely under UK law.

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